What Kind of Doctor are you?

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM).
Podiatric = medicine and surgery of the foot and ankle!

Are you ortho?

Nope! I’m podiatry

How’d you get into Instagram?

By accident! I was just posting different pictures from my everyday life. People starting noticing/following the ones related to my hospital work. So I slowly ‘converted’ my broad Instagram page into a more focused medical-themed one.


When did you graduate med school?

WesternU class of 2019!

How’d you Choose podiatry?

I liked how hands on it was- people can come into your office with a problem and leave feeling better, which is pretty unique! I also liked the chance to choose being in private practice vs hospital. I’m also very hands-on, and liked that you’re guaranteed to be doing surgery.

I’m talking to you on a dating app or your ‘private’ social media account. Is that you?

Almost definitely NO!!! I constantly get messages about people being catfished by someone using my images. I do my best to report these fake accounts when they’re brought to my attention.